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Factors to Consider Before Buying a Safe for Your Home

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Safe for Your Home

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Safe for Your Home

Are you looking to protect your valuables from theft or burglary?  Are you looking to properly and safely stow your gun?  Are you looking to protect important documentation from flood or fire damage?  A safe is the best option to provide you with the security and safety you need to protect your valuables, all within the comforts of your own home.  As a company that specializes in safe opening in Orlando, we locksmiths suggest that you consider these few factors before you choose a safe for your home.

Size of the Safe

Before you set out on your search for a safe, consider where you plan to keep your safe.  Common places to store safes are in home offices, closets, or concealed in cabinetry.  Once you decide on the location for your safe, you should take measurements.  This will help determine what size safe will fit in your desired spot.  Also, you want to make a list of items that you wish to stow in your safe.  Be sure that you choose a safe that will fit everything you wish to store.

Fire Rating

Fire rating can easily be overlooked, because most people simply just choose any safe that has fire resistance.  However, there are different levels of fire resistance to consider.  You want to choose a safe that has the highest fire rating so that it will protect all of your valuables in case of a house fire.  If you are on a budget, you want to choose the safe with the longest fire protection that you can afford.  Be sure that the seal on the door works properly and fully closes as well.  Some low-quality safes have faulty seals, which will allow both fire and water damage to occur.

Type of Locks

Safes come with a few different options for locks, such as dial locks, electronic locks, and key locks.  These have different benefits, but you want to make sure that they are suitable for you.  Electronic locks are typically battery powered, so be sure you keep batteries on hand in case of an emergency.  Dial locks are great for those who only want to remember a combination to access the contents of the safe.  Key locks have the benefit of using a simple key, but they also require you to keep your key in a safe spot that you will remember.  If you lose your key or combination, trust a locksmith who specializes in safe opening in Orlando to help you properly unlock your safe without damaging the contents or the safe itself.

These are a few factors to consider before you invest in a safe to protect your valuables or keep your gun safe in your home.  When you need services for safe opening in Orlando, contact us today to hear about our trusted locksmith services.